Thursday, March 22, 2018


We celebrated Ava's birthday yesterday with a trip to Legoland!

Ava has been obsessed with Legos this year and was so excited for Legoland.  When we got there we rode the carousel right away and started to explore the Lego Friends land.  She was too short for the first ride she picked so we walked through Miniland and were amazed at all of the Lego creations.

The next ride she picked was a roller coaster called Coastersaurus.  She was so brave and never once changed her mind! 

After the rollercoaster Matt and Ava went on a safari ride where all the animals were built out of Legos.

Next, we went to boating school in Lego City!

We had some lunch and then went on another rollercoaster!


 Ava loved all of the characters and statues made of Legos and there were even a few places where kids could stop and play :)




On the way out we stopped by the store so she could pick a Lego set.  She chose this Lego Friends set.

She slept the entire drive home and then her and Matt got to work on her new Lego set :)

We got her one of these storage containers for her birthday and then picked up another one from the Lego store.  We also had her first roller coaster ride picture put onto a Lego Brick Wall that she can take apart/put back together.

Such a fun day!!

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