Monday, October 14, 2013

Grandma Lo!

Grandma Lo came to visit this weekend!  Matt and I enjoyed a day on 5th Ave and 3rd Street in Naples, an evening at Naples Pier, and watched some football at a bar while Ava and Grandma Lo played and swam at home.  We all went to the park and splash pad, out for ice cream, and went to the beach!  What a fun weekend!



Grandma Lo said...

WE HAD FUN!!!!!! Grandma had to come home to rest -whew - she's busy busy busy but I sure did enjoy my visit. Hey Sara and Rylee - if you read this check out Ava's pig tails at the beach. Looks like someone braided her hair the night before??????...... That's what Holland and Lucy have to look forward too!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Yea, I thought it looked a little crimped. You probably took her sweater vest shopping too.
Great pictures, T! You sent Ava home with (instead of) Lo, right?!!