Saturday, August 20, 2016

Recent Events!

We had a lot of excitement these past few weeks!  Ava and I went back to school/daycare on August 1st and it has been busy busy since.  Ava's first official day of Pre-K was this Monday and she had a great week!

This poor girl also had her first trip to the ER recently.  She was playing in her room and stepped on a piece of very hard, sharp plastic that had broken off of her doll's leg.  She tried to get the piece off of her foot with the top of her other foot and got a very bad cut.  It was a long, eventful night on our first week back but she was super brave and is doing okay.

We weren't able to swim for the weekend so we went on a long truck ride out to the slough to look for "amimals"!

And check out Matt's new toy for the woods :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Our Summer Vacation!

We had the best summer vacation this year!  Matt took two weeks off with us and we went on a road trip to Indiana!  Ava did so good in the car (Brady too) and we are so proud of her!

Matt drove the entire way - I am so thankful for him :)

Our first stop was outside of Atlanta!  We walked around a super nice shopping area and had dinner.

Next we visited Rylee's family in Tennessee for a few days!  We played at the Alcorn's house and went to Nashville one day.  Rylee and Darrin took us out to eat and bought us all souvenirs.  So much fun!!

This little cutie is a fish like Ava!  Holland can swim under water all by herself!  We were so impressed :)

I had to snap a pic of the princesses with their corn!



After Tennessee we hit the road again for Indiana!  Ava was so excited to see Gwamma, Papa, Aunt Sara and her cousins.

Lucy and Ava had so much fun playing together for an entire week!  My heart was so full :)

And this cutie was happy every single day!

Ava LOVED riding the "tractor" with daddy and asked to do it every morning and evening.  They had so much fun together and made some great memories :)


Grandma took Ava and Lucy to a movie and bought them some shoes and socks while they were out.  Ava loves them!



Matt and I had a date day and went to a local cheese and wine shop called Schnabeltier that is now in my hometown.  It was awesome!

We also went to Chicago one day.  We road a train from South Bend, IN and had the best time!  We went to Navy Pier and enjoyed the architectural boat tour, rode the giant wheel, and had the best pizza ever!


Best. Trip. Ever!!

Thank you to my family for hosting us :)  We love you and appreciate you!