Friday, March 20, 2015

Birthday Season

Well, the Sherman family has hit birthday season!  I'm especially excited for our birthdays this year because Matt got me some birthday dishes that I have wanted for years!  Before we were married I saw them and wanted them, but we didn't buy them.  I would talk about how I want to always celebrate things in our family and take time to make sure others feel special.  I told him how I thought it would be fun to have a special set of plates that we get out each birthday and start our own tradition.  We were married and had Ava, and as her first birthday came around we were mad at ourselves for not buying the plates way back when, because we couldn't find them at the store anymore.  Then we had Ava's second birthday and mentioned it again, but never found them.  Last month, Matt found some on eBay and bought them for us.  And, they arrived in time for our birthdays!  We used them Thursday night to celebrate Matt's birthday and will use them this weekend to celebrate Ava.  

Ava and I made Matt a carrot cake after school on Thursday!

She blew out the candles because she was pretty confident that it was her birthday.

"Ava, say happy birthday Daddy!"
"No, my birthday"

Friday night we went to DaRuMa for dinner.  It is a fun Japanese Steakhouse with hibachi grills where they cook your food right in front of you.  Ava didn't like the fire right in front of her, but once that part was over she was pretty good.

After dinner we went to GCTC to look at the pet store and play outside :)

Happy Birthday, Matt!!  We Love You!!

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