Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Summer Update!

Ava and I are enjoying our last week at home together for the summer!  We have played outside, walked around the outlet mall, and read a lot of books!  Lately Ava has been giving lots of hugs and kisses (complete with sound effects) to her stuffed animals and loves  dancing and carrying things like a big girl! 


Here are a few videos :)


Grandma Lo said...

I love the videos and the pictures! I like the one where she's walking down the sidewalk with her bag. I think I've seen some of those dance moves when her mommy was little! love you all

Unknown said...

Ava, you're such a cutie!! Her dancing was making me dizzy. Matt, you're a great accompanist. Does T make you practice every night? Miss you and love you guys!

Unknown said...

Aw!!! Fun!! Loved the update. My fav was the bathtub! :)