Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Red Meets Black...

Tropical Storm Debby's rain and wind brought a friend by to visit yesterday!

Matt saw this snake in the pool when he got home from work and at first glance wasn't sure if it was a king snake (non venomous) or a coral snake (venomous).

Red meets yellow, kill a fellow
Red meets black is a friend of Jack

As you can see, red meets black! 
So the snake survived and was relocated to the backyard.

Also, looks like after the storms have calmed, we have some pool cleaning to do :(


Anonymous said...

Wow! Was Ava sitting in a swing with the snake crawling around underneath? That sounds like a familiar story! Can't wait for our mini reunion coming up!

tera said...

Ha, no Ava was not in a swing with the snake underneath! Maybe we can recreate that scene in a few weeks :) Excited to cya!!